Happy Heart Cupcakes

I love it when I make things that look familiar but taste delicious
it is not so difficult when making mock store-bought treats for these hostess-like cupcakes. I use my tried and true devil’s food cake recipe for this; which I also used for my {copycat} ding dongs and instead of loopdy loops I made loopdy-hearts from tinted royal icing .

devil’s food cake

3 oz bittersweet chocolate chopped
1 1/2 cups hot coffee or hot water or mixture of the two (i use espresso with water)
3 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups cocoa powder
2 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp kosher salt
3 extra large eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sour cream + 1/2 cup milk or 1 1/2 cups buttermilk 
1 tsp vanilla

Melt bittersweet chocolate in hot water/coffee.  Sift dry ingredients together (including sugar). Mix together the chocolate/coffee mixture, milk, sour cream, and vanilla. In a mixer beat the eggs with the oil until thickened and doubled in volume (about 3-5 minutes).  Add the dry and wet ingredients, in an alternating pattern, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients.  Mix until just incorporated.

Prepare your mini-muffin tins by liberally spraying with baking spray. Bake in a preheated 350F oven. These will bake rather quickly, check after 5 minutes.  They are done when the tester comes out clean and the top springs back when lightly touched

creamy fluffy filling

1 cup milk
5 Tbs flour
1 1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup lard/shortening–room temperature
1/2 cup unsalted butter–room temperature
1/2 tsp vanilla
Over low heat, cook milk and flour in a saucepan until it makes a thick paste. Use a whisk to break up lumps. Let cool.  In mixer using whisk attachment, beat shortening, butter, sugar, salt and vanilla. Add in cooled flour paste and whip until light and fluffy.  Add more sugar if you want a sweeter taste.


1/2 lb bittersweet chocolate–
1/2 cup cream
1 Tbs granulated sugar
1 Tbs corn syrup
2 Tbs butter

Heat cream with sugar and corn syrup over medium heat.  Once cream begins to simmer and sugar is dissolved, pour over chocolate and butter. Let chocolate melt and then whisk together until it is thick and shiny.

For Royal Icing, I use Martha Stewart’s recipe. You can find a link to her recipe HERE

Gingerbread Marshmallows

Roasting marshmallows is a year-round sport in my house. Sometimes, I just turn on the stove burner, load a fork, and fire away. Normally, eating ‘mallows out of hand is not my thing…I like a charred exterior and molten center. I do make an exception with these, as they are so good au natural, lightly toasted and dipped in chocolate, or as a float on your favorite hot beverage {even tea…especially tea}.

Gingerbread Marshmallows
3/4 oz gelatin
1/2 cup cold water
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup water
2 Tbs molasses
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground clove
2 egg whites
Put sugars in a saucepan. Add 1/4 cup water to make a mixture that looks and feels like wet sand. What is most important is that all sugar has the same amount of moisture. Add molasses, salt, ginger, cinnamon and clove, and place over low heat. Cook until it becomes a sugar syrup of 235-240 degrees. It should have the consistency of corn syrup.

Meanwhile…place 2 room temperature egg whites into the bowl of your mixer. Add the salt .
Prepare gelatin. Place 1/2 cup water in a bowl. Sprinkle the gelatin evenly over the water. Let bloom.

Once the sugar syrup is ready, turn off heat and let sit for a couple of minutes…not too long. Start your mixer on low and get the whites to foamy. Mix the gelatin into the sugar syrup and stir until melted completely. Bring the saucepan over to the mixer and turn it to high. Slowly pour the sugar syrup into the bowl, careful not to hit the whisk attachment. Leave on high and mix until the mixture is warm, but full volume and comes to a peak. While it is still warm, pour into tin or pan. Sift powdered sugar on top. Cut into squares and store in airtight container.
These are yummy tossed into a cup of hot cocoa and a real grown up treat when toasted and sandwiched into a s’more.

Ten Layer Lemon Meringue Cake

Let me get something off my chest; I have a problem with layer cakes that are 3 inches of cake for every 1/4″ of icing.  My ideal is {in equal measure} cake, icing, cake, icing ..and so on and so forth until you run out of both.   I want layers upon layers that are none too dry or too sweet.  It makes it difficult to have perfect sides, and 30 second videos of the perfect spin and frost technique.  But it tastes good.  Perfect is fine, but delicious is divine.

I first put together this cake for a dear friend’s 80th birthday almost a decade ago.  It has become a family favorite.  It is perfect all year ’round, but I like to make it when lemons are at their seasonal best.

Lemon Meringue Cake

Cake Layer
{from Nick Maglieri}

3 cups all purpose flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp kosher salt
18 Tbs unsalted butter–softened
2 1/4 cups sugar
1 Tbs vanilla extract
9 lg egg whites
1 1/8 cups milk

reheat oven to 350.  Whisk together flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.  In a mixer, fitted with paddle attachment, beat the butter and sugar until very soft and light.  Whisk together the milk, egg whites and vanilla until just combined.  Reduce the mixer speed to low and alternately beat in the flour and milk in 4 batches; starting and ending with flour. In order to not over-mix, do not fully incorporate each addition before adding the next one.  Scrape down the sides in between each addition.

I bake this off in thin layers, making it easier to stack when putting the cake together.  You can make 2 layers and slice into thin layers, if you prefer…but I like taking the time to bake off thin layers that make assembly a bit more fuss free.

This will make 6-7 thin cake layers.  Each layer should be less than 1/2″ thick–i use approximately 3/4 cup batter for each layer.

Spray 9″ cake tins with pan spray and place a circle of parchment in the bottom.  If you only have 2 pans, you will have to wash in  between bakins.  Bake each layer approximately 10 minutes, but carefully watch, as the layers are so thin, they will brown easily.  Once you pull the pan from the oven, wait a few minutes, then turn out onto parchment.  Wash and dry the tins, then start the process again.  Let the layers cool completely. {can be made a day ahead and stored at room temperature, or well ahead and frozen}

Lemon Curd

grated zest from 1 lemon
3/4 cup lemon juice
1 1/4 cup sugar
12 Tbs unsalted butter–cut into small pieces
12 large egg yolks
Whisk the yolks, sugar, lemon juice and lemon zest in a bowl.  Place bowl over bain-marie and cook, stirring continually until the liquid thickens to a nappe {coats the back of the spoon and retains shape when you swipe your finger down the middle}.  Do not let it boil, as the eggs will scramble.  Remove from heat and pour through a sieve into a clean bowl.  Toss in the butter while the curd is still hot.  Stir until the butter is fully incorporated. Cover with plastic wrap placed directly on top of the curd.  Refrigerate until cool and set.  {Can be made a day in advance}

Lemon Italian Buttercream Icing
{if you have a favorite icing, use it and add the lemon curd and whip until creamy}

1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup water
4 egg whites–room temperature
2 cups unsalted butter–room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp salt
about 1/2 cup lemon curd {this is to taste, it depends on how lemony you want your buttercream}

Place egg whites and salt in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with whisk attachment.  Combine 3/4 cup of the granulated sugar with water in heavy saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.  Continue cooking until it reaches 235F (just before soft ball stage).

Meanwhile, while the sugar is boiling, begin whisking the egg whites.  Once, frothy, “rain” in the remaining 1/4 cup sugar.  Whip to soft peak.  When syrup reaches 235F remove from heat (it will continue to get hotter and reach the desired 240F).  With the mixer on medium speed, begin immediately pouring the hot syrup into the egg whites.  Be careful not to hit the whisk directly.  Once all the syrup is incorporated, kick the speed up to high and whisk until it cools to room temperature.
Change the attachment from whisk to paddle, and begin adding butter, a few bits at a time.  Once it is all incorporated and it looks like buttercream, mix in the vanilla and curd (to desired flavor)
-can be made several days in advance


3 large egg whites–room temperature
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch salt

Make sure the beater and bowl are extremely clean and free of any oil or fats. Beat whites on low until foamy.  Add salt and then kick up the speed to medium.  Add cream of tartar.  Beging to slowly add the sugar “raining” it into the egg whites.  Continue to beat until soft peaks form, then add vanilla.  Beat to stiff and firm peaks.
If you over-beat, you will see moisture starting to “weep” from the whites.  If this happens, start over!
-must be used day it is made

PHEW! –now that you have all the elements, you can start building your cake

To Assemble

Place 1 cake layer on a round cake board. Pipe buttercream around the edge of the cake making a dam.  Fill with lemon curd.  This curd is quite tart, so you don’t want to over-do it.  Also, your filling should not be thicker than your cake layers.  Place another cake layer on top of the curd. Pipe a layer of buttercream.  Continue with cake, buttercream dam & curd, cake, buttercream, cake….until you run out of cake layers.  the top layer should be cake.  Refrigerate until cold and firm.  You can cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 24 house.  When ready to finish and serve, cover in meringue (i have piped swirls), and hit with a torch to brown the edges.  I do not recommend using the oven as the buttercream and curd will melt quickly.

Gateau Noir

This cake is actually named “chocolate nemesis”. It is a wonderful invention of the brilliant ladies at River Cafe in London; and it is simply spectacular.
I call it gateau noir; because, well, it makes me smile. Gateau noir is the name we gave a suitor {not mine} of a girlfriend; whom in my retelling of the 30 year old story, lovingly prepared gateau noir for her in the hope she would be his steady.
Had he used this recipe he might have succeeded.

Gateau Noir
(adapted from river cafe cookbook)
3/4 lb 70% bittersweet chocolate pieces
(please do not make this with nestle or similar chocolate chips–you will not get the result you deserve)
5 large eggs–room temperature
10 1/2 oz granulated sugar
1/2 lb unsalted butter–room temperature
pinch salt (my addition)
1 tsp vanilla (my addition)
1/2 cup water

Place eggs, 1/3 of sugar, salt and vanilla in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. Whisk until the eggs have tripled in volume, and thickened. This will take a minimum of 10 minutes. In the meanwhile, place the remaining sugar in a saucepan with 1/2 cup of water. Bring to a boil and let boil for 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in butter and chocolate…letting them melt completely. Allow to cool slightly then slowly pour into the whipped eggs. Whisk for 1 minute, if it doesn’t fully incorporate in that time, use a spatula and fold to fully incorporate. pour into prepared pan.
* to prepare the pan: use a springform pan and spray with pan spray…and then instead of flour, use cocoa powder to coat the pan, tapping out any excess.

there are two ways to bake this cake

To produce a creamy cake, a bit like pudding (this is in tune with the original recipe) bake the cake in a water bath (place your prepared pan, wrapped in foil, into a larger pan that will leave a “moat” of no less than 1″ on all sides. fill the “moat” with enough hot water to reach halfway up the sides of the prepared pan). It is best to do this with the cake pans already in the oven, to avoid spilling water all over the kitchen floor and into the cake batter.
Place prepared pan into a water bath and bake for approximately 35 minutes at 325. the cake is done when it no longer jiggles, but the center still seems a bit soft. if it begins to pull away from the sides, it is over-cooked. After 30 minutes, place your flat hand on top of the center of the cake, if it is no longer liquid, and looks as if it has a skin similar to that of chocolate pudding, and the cake doesn’t jiggle, it is fair to say it is baked enough.

For the more cakey, fallen souffle type of cake; pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake it in the oven without the water bath at 350 for about 30-40 minutes. the cake will rise considerably, then fall. it will look like a fallen souffle and have a light crispy exterior with a dense chewy interior. i love it this way…it tastes just as good and is not nearly as fussy.

Gingerbread Bundt with Espresso Glaze

I disagree that enjoying gingerbread is a cold weather affair. Case in point; this cake. Not only rich and delicious, it is a great way to use up that lingering bottle of guiness a month past St. Paddy’s day.

{this recipe comes from Gramercy Tavern…and developed by Claudia Fleming. I have made this recipe and the recipe in her book “The Last Course”. I prefer this one. I have made a couple very minor adjustments to the recipe, which I will announce so you may or may not choose to do the same}

Gingerbread Bundt
{Gramercy Tavern}

1 cup oatmeal or guiness stout
1 cup dark (not blackstrap) molasses
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 Tbs ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
pinch ground cardamom
generous pinch kosher salt {my addition–optional}
3 large eggs
1 cup dark brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 Tbs Trablit coffee extract *or 1 Tbs espresso powder {my addition-optional)

Preheat oven to 350F. Use shortening to grease pan (trust me on this…pan spray will not work, butter works better, but shortening works the best) and then dust with flour. Set aside.
Boil stout (or other beer if using) with molasses. Take off heat and then whisk in baking soda. The mixture will bubble up, so make sure your pan has plenty of room, so the mixture does not overflow. Allow to cool to room temperature. Sift together flour, baking powder, salt (if using), ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and cardamom {if using espresso powder, sift with flour. If using coffee extract, whisk in with eggs and sugar} Whisk together eggs, brown sugar and granulated sugar until completely incorporated. Whisk in oil and then molasses mixture. Add flour in single addition and whisk until it is just combined. Pour into prepared pan and bake about 50 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Allow to cool in pan on rack for about 5 minutes, then turn onto rack, and allow to cool completely.

Espresso Buttermilk Glaze
{this is entirely my addition and is optional}
1 lb confectioner’s sugar
1 oz strong espresso
1 Tbs Trablit coffee extract or 1 Tbs espresso powder

Place the confectioner’s sugar in a bowl. Mix the trablit or espresso powder into the espresso. Pour the espresso bit by bit careful not to thin out the confectioner’s sugar too much. If the confectioner’s sugar is still too thick to pour, add buttermilk until you get a pouring consistency. NOTE: this uses such a small amount of buttermilk, if you don’t have it on hand, you can easily substitute cream, half and half or milk.
Generously pour over cooled cake and allow to harden.

*Trablit is a very strong and specific coffee extract. It cannot be substituted with clear extract or candy oil. If you can’t find it (or it is cost prohibitive) please use espresso powder.

Ding Dong Derivative

Why I have nostalgia for snacks I never actually ate as a kid is something for me to take up with my therapist. And when I say “my therapist”, I actually would be referring to my cat, or dog, or husband, or any poor soul who happens to be in the room listening to my audible reflections.

My mom did not allow “junk food” in her house. We had sweets, but everything was always made from scratch, and was mostly for special occasions. Snacks were cheese or a piece of fruit. Candy was for halloween, and ready-made cream filled cupcakes were for other people.

As a kid, I was always so envious of the kids with the silver wrapped delight in their lunch, while mind held an orange, or a christmas cookie; whiich is how I made it well past my 18th birthday before I ever had a ding-dong.

Without belaboring the point, skip the store-bought and make your own. You won’t be sorry.

devil’s food cake

3 oz bittersweet chocolate chopped
1 1/2 cups hot coffee or hot water or mixture of the two (i use espresso with water)
3 cups granulated sugar
1 1/2 cups cocoa powder
2 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp kosher salt
3 extra large eggs
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup sour cream + 1/2 cup milk or 1 1/2 cups buttermilk 
1 tsp vanilla

melt bittersweet chocolate in hot water/coffee.  Sift dry ingredients together (including sugar). Mix together the chocolate/coffee mixture, milk, sour cream and vanilla. In a mixer beat the eggs with the oil until thickened and doubled in volume (about 3-5 minutes).  Alternately add the dry and wet ingredients to the mixer, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients.  Mix until just incorporated.Bake in 2-9″ rounds that have been prepared with cooking spray and lined with baking paper.
 *note…for ding dongs, i make in a sheet pan and use a cookie cutter to cut the rounds.
Oven temp should be 350 and bake until tester comes out clean. For the sheet pan, it will go fast…about 20 minutes. For the cake rounds allow about 50 minutes, but check on it after 30 minutes.

creamy filling

1 cup milk
5 Tbs flour
1 1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup shortening or lard–room temperature
1/2 cup unsalted butter–room temperature
1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch salt
Over low heat, cook milk and flour in a saucepan until it makes a thick paste. Use a whisk to break up lumps. Let cool.  In mixer using whisk attachment, beat shortening, butter, sugar, salt and vanilla. Add in cooled flour paste and whip until light and fluffy.  Add more sugar if you want a sweeter taste.


1/2 lb bittersweet chocolate–chopped
1/2 cup cream
1 Tbs granulated sugar
1 Tbs corn syrup
2 Tbs butter
Heat cream with sugar and corn syrup over medium heat.  Once cream begins to simmer and sugar is dissolved, pour over chocolate and butter. Let chocolate melt and then whisk together until it is thick and shiny


Cut rounds of the chocolate cake. Spread a layer of filling on top of one round and top with a second round.  Fill in nooks and large gaps with a bit more filling.  Place in fridge to harden.  
Meanwhile make ganache.  
Set cakes on a cooling rack over a lined sheet pan.  Pour ganache over cooled cakes and gently tap the rack to move the ganache over the cake. Use a small spatula warmed over a flame to nudge and smooth out the ganache. Let cool at room temp or in the fridge if you are in a rush.  You may loose some of the gloss if you refrigerate.  Serve as is, or wrap in foil for authenticity

Pumpkin Pots de Creme

I’m not much for the pumpkin spice hype that comes in play at the first sign of frost. I am however, a pumpkin fiend. I love it sweet, I love it savory. With butter, as butter, warm and spicy; it brings me joy. While we have ripe pumpkins coming off the vine this early September, I’m not quite ready to jump head first into pie mode. This time of year, when it is warm during the day, but the sunrise and set are accompanied by a slight chill, I make custard. Not quite a pudding, pots de creme are a perfect spotlight for a delicate blend of spices and rich pumpkin puree. Something quite important when making these….you must not overcook. Pull these out of the oven before they are fully set.

Pots de Creme
(makes 5-6)

1 cup pumpkin puree
5 egg yolks
1/2 cup + 2 Tbs dark brown sugar
1 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup whole milk {i use goat milk}
generous pinch kosher salt
1/4 tsp ground ginger
generous pinch cardamom, allspice, cinnamon, fresh nutmeg
whipped cream -for serving

If using fresh pumpkin puree, make sure it is very smooth. Set aside. Whisk {either by hand or with electric mixer} eggs and brown sugar until the sugar is completely melted and the eggs seem lighten in color and thicken a bit. Heat the milk, cream and salt in a saucepan until bubbles just start to form. Slowly whisk the hot milk into the egg until well incorporated. You are tempering the eggs with the hot milk. Whisk in the pumpkin puree and the spices. Run through a sieve into a spouted measuring cup. Use a spatula to scrape as many pumpkin solids as possible through the sieve. Give a good stir.

Pour into oven safe cups or small ramekins. This is meant to be served and eaten in small portions; think demitasse cups, tea cups, small bowls or ramekins. 4-6 ounces each.

Allow any air bubbles or foam to subside. Remove any remaining foam by skimming with a spoon.

Place in a cake pan or casserole dish. Place in an preheated 325F oven. Once in the oven, prepare a bain marie: pour enough hot water in the pan {careful to avoid getting water into the custard} to reach about halfway up the side of your custard cups. The bain marie will help to keep a constant temperature on the custard.

The length of time in the oven depends on the size of your baking vessel. Begin checking at 12 minutes. Tap the cup or bowl and look for gentle ripple (like that of a pebble in a pond). If you have a gentle ripple, then go ahead and remove from oven and allow to cool to warm in the water bath. If the custard isn’t quite done, continue to check every few minutes. If you check on them and they are completely firm, remove from the water bath immediately.

Do not put in the refrigerator hot, but place in the fridge once only slightly warm. Allow to chill completely and serve with a generous dollop of whipped cream

A properly cooked pots de creme is creamy, almost mousse like and silky. Once overcooked it can be a bit grainy and have an eggy flavor to it. Undercooked will result in a runny custard.

Coconut Frozen Yogurt

I’m going to tell you a secret.  Frozen yogurt is supposed to taste like yogurt that is frozen. It isn’t supposed to taste like sweet cream, or air.  It is a rule that a nation of serve yourself fro-yo stores doesn’t know. Allegedly.

Because we have dairy goats, this recipe uses goat yogurt, but you can substitute with cow or sheep as you like.  The end result has a yogurt tang to it…which is intentional.  It tastes lightly sweet, very creamy and very coconutty.


Coconut Frozen Yogurt

3 cups plain {unsweetened} yogurt
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup coconut flakes {sweet or unsweetened–your choice}
1 1/2 cups coconut cream
1/4 tsp coconut extract {optional}

Heat the coconut cream, sugar and coconut flakes in a saucepan until just simmered and the sugar has melted. Allow to cool for 10 minutes. Stir into the yogurt and add the coconut extract, if using. Cover and refrigerate overnight or at least 4 hours. Churn in your ice cream maker according to manufacture’s instructions.


I learned to make pizzelle at the knee of my great-aunt rose when I was quite young. She was an amazing baker and a real stickler about cleanliness. It was more than once that the “no lick” rule was enforced. Each time i lift my pizzelle iron from its tattered and batter-scarred box, I am reminded of holidays past. Memories of my dear aunt rose float richly in the fragrance of these cookies.  The season begins…

3 1/2 cups flour
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1 Tbs + 1 tsp baking powder
4 eggs
2 egg yolks
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
3 Tbs Anise flavored extract
4 oz unsalted butter–melted and cooled
Combine the flour, salt, and baking powder in a large bowl. In another bowl, whisk the eggs, yolks, sugar, extract and melted butter. Stir into the flour mixture. this batter will be nice and thick, similar to a pate a choux. Drop by the spoonful onto a hot pizzelle iron. Check after 60 seconds for color. You want it to be a light blonde in color. Do not undercook, undercooked pizzelle will not get nice and crispy. Sprinkle with a bit of powdered sugar and serve.
You can form these into cones or cups, or even cut in fourths while they are still warm.
I like to use them for large and beautiful ice cream sandwiches…or rolled and filled with a bit of brandy flavored whipped cream…but I mostly like them just as they are

Italian Fig Cookies {cucidati}

To be honest this is more of a st. joseph’s day treat than a christmas one but truth be told they are good any time of year. Be warned this is not a fig newton facsimile. These are spicy and heady; filled with riches wrapped in a buttery italian pastry called pasta frolla. My presentation isn’t typical either. These are typically rolled in a tube-shape and cut in sections. On a cookie tray I find them to stay fresher longer, when presented like this.

italian fig cookies

pasta frolla
4 cups flour
2/3 cups granulated sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/4 tsp kosher salt
1 cup unsalted butter–cold and cut into pieces
4 large eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
using a food processor, pulse together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt a few times to ensure fully mixed. drop in the butter and pulse until the butter has incorporated completely turning the mixture into a powder. add the eggs and vanilla and continue to pulse until the dough forms a ball. remove and wrap in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight.

12 oz dried figs (i use calimyrna)
1/2 cup currants or raisins
zest of 1 orange finely grated
1/3 cup blanched, slivered almonds–toasted
1/3 cup bittersweet chocolate–cut into pieces or chips
3 heaping Tablespoons apricot preserves
3 Tbs dark rum
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
light pinch ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
egg beaten with a bit of water for egg wash
powdered sugar glaze or royal icing for decoration
sprinkles for decoration

If the figs are hard and dry, place them in a bowl of hot water to soften, drain and then proceed with recipe. Dice the figs and place in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Stir to fully incorporate. place the entire mixture in the food processor, fitted with steel blade and pulse until you have a paste. Place in the refrigerator until ready to use.
Roll the dough out to 1/4″ and cut with a small round, plain or scalloped cookie cutter. Place just a small bit of fig on top of half the cutouts. Brush a bit of egg wash with a brush on the outer edge of the dough. Place a second piece of dough on top and press with tines of fork or toothpick to seal. Brush top with egg wash. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes. You have to watch to see that they don’t burn, you want them just starting to brown on the bottom. When cool, leave plain or drizzle a bit of powdered sugar glaze (powdered sugar and milk to a runny consistency), or royal icing and add a few sprinkles.

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